Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015

Medium Tanks in WOT

Apart from the tanks that can be very well used as a hard tank the job of a medium tank is more benefit if the one which is driving it is using it in the proper way. The medium tank is more or less for close combat battles or for cover places from where you can escape easily with big maneuver area space.

The medium tank balances the game

Another job of the medium tank is to break the weak barricades made by weak tanks where the heavy tank could be more vulnerable. The main role of the medium tank is usually in the middle of the battle. However there are medium tanks such as E50 which works pretty much as a heavy tank and you can use it as a heavy tank, staying more in cover and waiting for the right moment to attack and destroy.

The medium Tank quick tutorial

The choke points on the map must be always covered by a medium tank, nevertheless this is not a beginners approach, so if you are a beginner it is better to stay away from the choking tactic. The most important thing when it comes to hiding behind bushed is to be sure that you have enough space around to retreat fast and secure after the enemy spotted you.

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