Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015


I am a great fan of world war two games and I am playing a lot of them and I used to play even more in the past. My favourite games at the moment are Hidden and Dangerous 2, World of Tanks, War Thunder. My main interest at the moment is World of Tanks because I recently started playing it and I can say that is one of the best games I ever played. Everything about this game is monumental. A combination of the best conventional things found in other games with new and innovative elements which together are making the best combination for the best game.

I will try in this blog to share my experience and even more than that I will try to share my skills that I am learning and hopefully others will benefit from them. I choose to do this because I am playing to much games and I want to change a little the atmosphere and to detach myself a little from the in-game attachment. I will also play other games as well and I will post things on them regarding tips and tricks which will help you be a better player and to rule over your enemies with ease.

I am carrying with me long years of playing World War II Games from which I gather tremendous experience, experience and skills that can be used very well in other games and which put together creates an overall understanding of all sorts games in this category as strategies, plans of attack and things regarding the marketplace, what to buy and what to spend you money to.